Cub Scout Pack 39 of Stow, Massachusetts, established the “Don Benoit Campership Fund” to honor the late Mr. Don Benoit, notable for his enormous contributions to Scouting and the Stow community.
Mr. Benoit, of Harvard Road, was active in Stow Scouting for 28 years before he passed away in May of 2002. He was for many years Chairperson of the Pack’s governing body, the Pack Committee. He was also a den leader as well as an enthusiastic fundraiser for the organization.
The Benoit Campership is open to any current Webelos Cub Scout in Pack 39, Stow.
Each year in February, the Campership Fund awards a complementary week of camping to a deserving fourth or fifth grade Webelos Cub Scout at one of the following camps:
Cub Adventure Day Camp
Webelos Overnight Week
Scout Summer Camp at Camp Resolute in Bolton, MA
Adult leaders in the Pack will nominate candidates for the award. The free week at camp will go to the Scout who lives their life in the exemplary way Mr. Benoit did. Below are criteria used by the Pack Committee for determining the award recipient:
Writes the best essay on Scouting
Completes a community service project
Exhibits excellent citizenship in Scouting and everyday life.
The deadline for submitting essays to the Cub Master and service project completion is the last regular pack meeting in January. A decision will be made by the Pack 39 Committee, and the recipient will be announced at the pack meeting in February.
Past Winners